Hete Vuren
For the exhibition Hete Vuren in The Markiezenhof (Stichting M6 in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum), Elly was invited to compose songs for three paintings. The Markiezenhof, the oldest city palace in the Netherlands, is her favorite place in her former hometown of Bergen op Zoom.
Her three songs for the artworks can be found on Elly's album Out Of The Flames. They feature themes such as loneliness among the elderly, differences in taste (including in love) and 'rising like a phoenix' again after experiencing loss. In 2023 two concerts were given in The Markiezenhof, with 'het perkeffect' giving an extra dimension with specially created visuals.

Divina Commedia
In 2022, Elly sang the role of the Roman poet Virgil, who also composed and wrote. In the fashion theater DIVINA COMMEDIA by fashion designer Ward Warmoeskerken Virgil is Dante's guide in Hell and on the Purification Mountain. Within a mysterious atmosphere, Ward's beautiful costumes and enticing dance, Elly performed four songs. This music was partly written especially for this fashion theater. The show was performed at a unique location: an underground parking garage; subterranean and dark as Dante's Hell.

Beyond Music
In 2019 Elly was invited to join the BEYOND Music Foundation. Through their online platform she was able to connect with musicians from around the world. She collaborated on five songs and her co-write ‘Different, You and I’ with Heather Bond from Nashville (USA) earned them both a spot on Beyond Music’s first album Same Sky.
Under the guidance of Grammy-winning producer Larry Klein (USA) Elly, Heather and 19 other artists recorded the album in Studios La Fabrique (France). Elly also made vlogs during the recording proces. A nice insight into her personal experience those two weeks.
In 2020 Elly took part again and worked on 16 songs, collaborating with 32 people from 21 countries. The song Si Ghan (a co-write with Dyllann from Cameroon) won them an award.

Matthews Southern Comfort
At the Pastorale Au Parvis festival in Nisse (2007) Elly met Iain Matthews. Shorty after, he invited her to play at his Common Grounds concert series. From 2011 she performed with Iain and his Matthews Southern Comfort band with BJ Baartmans & Bart de Win. They recorded ‘Kind of Live’ and she joined the band on the road for a number of years bringing beautiful harmonies to the people of the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Italy.

Shannon Lyon
Elly first met Canadian troubadour Shannon Lyon in 2011 after she saw him performing in her hometown. The story goes that she was so touched by his music that she cried and immediately offered to sing backingvocals for him. Together they recorded the beautiful and melancholy album ‘Broken Things’. Elly sang backing vocals to many songs after that and joined Shannon live on tour in 2015. This was the first time she started vlogging, so the entire experience, from her point of view, is still available on Elly’s YouTube channel.

Four strings
Strumming the guitar and singing from when she was 9 years old, music was always her greatest source of joy and comfort. Not long after she picked up the guitar she started writing her own songs. These musings were first heard in a time when fantasy was a much needed escape from reality. Besides fantasy, music always remained the one steady factor in her life. Something she could depend on and find solace in.
As a teenager and young adult Elly put all her emotions and sometimes anger into playing loudly on her Western guitar. This resulted in the two thinnest strings breaking quite often so by the year 1998 she gave up and bid them farewell. With a special tuning this made for a unique sound. Most of Elly’s songs are now still written and performed on her 4-string guitar. It is her preferred instrument. Elly Kellner started performing live from age 18.

Uptil 2011 Elly has formed bands under the name Keshri, everytime with different bandmembers. Between 1999 and 2003 she performed live with the Acoustic-Noise-Duo Keshri, together with multi-instrumentalist Andra Veraart. This early version of 'Keshri' stopped due to Elly moving to the United Kingdom in 2003. Walking the English soil for a couple of years she enjoyed the spotlight at Open Mic Nights and performances in the London area.
In the UK Elly started up a new Keshri with bassplayer Ian Starling and drummer Ric Byer. This was short-lasting and never went further than the rehearsalroom. In 2005 an EP was recorded under the guidance of producer Danny Gras but it was never released.

In 2008 Elly went into the studio to record her self-titled EP. Bass player Lennart v/d Berg was playing those sessions and they vibed so well that they decided to get into a band together. Drummer Niels van Rooij joined them later on and they started the third version of Keshri. From 2009 till 2011 they performed live as a trio.
Between 2002 and 2004 Elly was the singer-songwriter of the band Tea Ceremony. This triphop formation was heavily influenced by Lamb, Moloko and Bjork and set up by producer Danny Gras. Other members were: Niels van Rooij, Andra Veraart, Jos Verveen. Stijn Loman and Sicco Faase were involved in the band as VJ. Many songs were recorded but remain unreleased. Besides a try-out the group never performed live.
Chanoyu, another word for tea ceremony, was a psychedelic rock triphop band, sprouted from a graduation project by producer Danny Gras. Members included Danny Gras on electronics, Niels van Rooij on drums, Lennart v/d Berg on bassguitar and Bas on electric guitars. In this formation Elly was able to vocally experiment with her rock side. Other than recording a so far unreleased album and two performances the band never got any further from being a project.